For some authors, there are few things more difficult than writing about oneself. I know my story, and yet I’m never certain which parts to share. Best, it is said, to start then at the beginning. Like many Southern writers, I grew up amidst the silent crossroads and forgotten corners of backwater America. A recluse by nature, I found my voice in the haint tales and ghost stories of Appalachian folklore. Walk through the woods at night, and you’ll find it easy to believe every word whispered around a dying campfire.
For several years I have worked as a folklore researcher. This oral heritage is a source of life for me, and I hope to share it. Some of you may recognize threads from these stories woven throughout my books. Others may feel oddly at home in the empty streets and abandoned trailers of Cull County, the setting for many of these works.
I should restate that I am a recluse of the highest order. Crowds drain my spirits, and cities overwhelm my senses. I treasure my quiet time, and my personal and professional lives rarely intersect. We may not meet in person very often, but I encourage you to make a connection. Let’s share our love for well-told tales of gothic Southern horror.